Frequently Asked Questions 

What does FAQ stand for?
Frequently asked questions.

Do you get asked that question... frequently?
You'd be surprised.  

And to whom am I speaking?
This is Tom. I'm one of the people who organizes the race. 

Hi Tom!
Well, no, that's not a question. 

Fair enough. How long have you guys been trotting, Tom? 
This is year 19.

Can anyone join in? 
Yes! Please come. We'd love to have you. 

What time does it start? 
We congregate around 9:30 a.m. to view costumes. Race begins at 10:00 a.m. sharp.

Where does the race start? 
280 Ocean Drive EastStamford, CT, aka, my mom's house.

Does it cost anything to run in this race? 
Nope. Registration is free. But all participants are encouraged to provide some sort of donation. 

And where do those donations go?
Great question. All donations - 100% of them - go to the Pacific House, formerly known as Shelter for the Homeless in Stamford, CT. 

How much of the donations go to operating the race? 
Not a single dime of the donations go to operating the race! All the money raised goes to the meals program. All of it. 

Why the Pacific House aka Shelter for the Homeless? 
Well, feeding people on Thanksgiving just makes sense.

Yeah, but doesn't everyone feed people on Thanksgiving? Isn't it impossible to even volunteer at a soup kitchen? What about the rest of the year?

Hang on, that's like three questions

Focus, Tom!

Fine. We support a meals program which sponsors dinners throughout the year. So giving on Thanksgiving with us will actually help people in need throughout the year!

What if I can't make it to the race, can I still make a donation?
You bet your sweet ass you can! Just use the PayPal "Donate" just down below and on literally every page of this website.

You mean the one that says DONATE?

Can I give the day of the race?
Oh yeah. 

How can I donate right now, here, on the internet? 
Right here, fam. 

Will giving to the Shippan Trot make me feel good? 
Oh, yes, definitely. 

Is it true The Shippan Turkey Trot is now an official non profit organization?
As sanctioned by the IRS, yes.

Couldn't I just give to the Shelter for the Homeless on my own?
Of course you can! But we're getting our first $1,000 matched by a local foundation, hence the group giving.  

So if this group of people raise $1,000 for the homeless, it's actually $2,000?

Do I have to give money?
No, not at all. We'll gladly accept canned food, though we prefer currency donations. You can also find information on how to give your time volunteering at the shelter. 

But what if I can't give money, food or my time. Can I still come to the race? 
Of course you can. We love you! 

Is it true there's going to be a bouncy castle?
Come to the Trot and find out!

Do I have to wear a costume?
No. But you should. After all, November is the cheapest month of the year to buy costumes. (Citation needed.)

Are there any restrictions on costumes? 
Yes. Any participant dressed in anything even remotely racist, homophobic or sexist will be asked to leave. We're pretty firm on that rule.  

But isn't racism, homophobia and sexism 'kind of' funny?

What about drag?
As long as it's an expression of you, and not some transphobic statement, that's totally fine.

What if my costume is Caitlin Jenn...
Let me stop you right there.

How about nudity? 
Go for it. 

Can I walk the race?
We get this question a lot. Our organizers will not dictate the speed of any trotters. Feel free to move at your own speed, or not at all!

Is the Shippan Turkey Trot good for the teens?
Hmmm…. This is a tough one. Nobody knows what makes the teens happy. If it were up to them, they would probably snapchat on their xboxs all day while dabbing or whatever. To be honest, we don’t know if the teens enjoy the Shippan Turkey Trot or anything for that matter, and we fear that any attempt to ask the teens how they feel will be met with sarcastic derision.

How did all of this start? 
"Thomas, let's go for a run before dinner!" - Johanna Hynes, Thanksgiving morning, 2001

Didn't you say your name was Tom? 
Great catch.

And do you think you'll get some static for quoting your sister Johanna, but not your sister Lizzy? 
Yeah, probably.  

How long is this race? 
2.41 miles. It's 'The Almost 4K!' (TM)

Is the Shippan Turkey Trot a timed race?
I mean honestly we usually spend the morning of the race looking for extension cords. Keeping the Shippan Turkey Trot untimed lends itself to our brand’s laid back and casual vibe, but it’s really a product of how disorganized we are.

Will there be hot pink arrows or other signage directing me throughout the course so I don't get lost? 
Yes there will be. We won't let you get lost. We care much too much about you to let anything like that happen. 

What about post-race refreshments? 
How does a frosty cold can of beer sound? 

Aren't I the one supposed to be asking the questions?
Fair enough.

What if there are leftover post-race refreshments? What's done with them?
We'll bring them to the shelter with all the canned food right after the race. 

Even the beers?
You got me there. We'll keep those for the racers. The shelter probably doesn't want those,anyway. 

What's up with the Prizes? Can you explain that in a little more detail?
I sure can. But I'm going to list them in bullet points.
- The Grand Champi-Hen goes to the first place runner.
- The tube of Mary Kate and Ahsley Olsen toothpaste goes to the first racer of the opposite gender of the champion to cross.
- The Jeff Piedmont Award for Excellence in Costuming goes to best individual costume.
- A case of Presidente Beer goes to the first Hynes to cross the finish line.
- The Hot Cookie Underpants goes to the last racer to cross. 

Is that all?
Nope. There's also:
- Best Group Costume
- Spirit Award
- Best Entrance
- Most Generous
- MVP 

What about the Malloys? Don't they make new trophies like every year?
Totally. Those guys are great. 

Will I win a prize?
I can't say definitively one way or another. But, like I said, we add new prizes every year. So the odds are in your favor. 

What do we do in case of rain? 
We buck up and remember that A) we'll dry off, and B) this is for charity. 

Will I have the time of my life? 
I think you will, yeah.

Tom, how do I donate again?